April is Donate Life month and I have been remiss in not posting about it sooner. It has been a busy month at my house. I had my mid-year visit at the transplant clinic, we visited my father in Tennessee for a little while, then we got home, and I started a new medicine that pretty well kicked my ass with side effects. Still getting over those.
This coming Wednesday, April 24, I am honored to be a guest on the radio show “Michael’s Gifts,” hosted by the esteemed Roxanne Watson, a fellow heart transplant recipient. The interview will air at 9:15 a.m., Eastern Time, on WRCR 1700 AM NY out of Ramapo, New York. You can listen to the interview live at this link: WRCR Listen Live - 1700 kHz AM, Ramapo
This show has already aired, but you can listed to the recording at this link:
Roxanne and I will discuss my transplant journey and new developments in the world of organ transplant as time permits. If you want to be a part of this conversation and ask any questions about transplant, the dial-in number is (845)-429-1700.
One topic I plan to discuss is the shortage of donor organs available in the United States. It was this organ shortage that was partially responsible for my move across the country to receive my second heart transplant. Per the HRSA website, there are over 103,000 people on the transplant waiting list in the United States, and 17 people die every day waiting for an organ that never arrived. Over 46,000 transplants were performed in 2023, but the need is never ending as one person is added to the transplant list every 8 minutes.
You can help change these statistics. You can be the reason someone gets to spend more time with their spouse, parent, child, or friend. Register to be an organ donor at this link today! Sign Up To Be An Organ Donor